Do not forget that Anyanya 2 already was up and active operating in Upper Nile against Khartoum. It was true that at the time many South Sudanese in the Sudan armed forces were agitating for action and it was only a matter of time for a rebellion to take place in the South. Kerubino seized this highly charged political atmosphere to ignite the war on 16th May 1983 because he did not want to be crashed by his powerful superior whom he double crossed. The atmosphere by then was ripe for rebellion, especially given that Nimeiri had already repealed the Addis Ababa agreement of 1972 and ordered the transfer of the integrated 6000 Anyanya forces from South Sudan to the north. Their disagreement over the proceeds of the loot as would be expected led both officers to use their positions and their forces to settle score. Major Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, the commander of battalion 105 in Bor and his superior major general Sadiq El Bana in Juba were involved in financial embezzlement and illicit deals involving the smuggling of ivory tasks, leopard skins and the like. The dynamics of these forceful clashes led to the corruption in the Sudan army to give birth to SPLM/A. Internationally, America and Russia were fighting their cold war in the region using Sudan and Ethiopia respectively.

The Equatorians on the other hand were fighting to resist Dinka abuse and domination. Then, the government of Abel Alier Dinkanised the police force, and put it under the command of Reuben Mach as a tool to realise their already stated objective. In the South, internally, the Dinka using their smooth relationship with the Arabs wanted to establish themselves as the elites forcefully via corrupt behaviour such as nepotism and tribalism. The Arabs under Nimeiri wanted to totally subjugate, Islamise and Arabise South Sudan and their strategy to achieve this was to foment massive divisions in the South. Competing forces in late 1970s and early 1980s were violently trying to achieve their interests in the Sudan. SPLM/A was founded at a very critical time in the history of Sudan.

It would benefit the advancement of knowledge in that area for human kind. Anybody studying for a higher degree in management may want to consider doing such a research. No doubt a research study on it may come up with an interesting unique theory in management. The fact that SPLM/A survived to this date against all odds as an amorphous organisation beats my mind. The maxim invoked by architectural engineers that a robust foundation and corner pillars are a must for any sound construction was ignored here.

The infection started when the founders of SPLM/A failed to put in place the necessary instruments, mechanism and structures as pillars of a robust organisation. This is a disease dating back to the inception of the movement. The corruption that is eating away South Sudan like a terminal cancer slowly spreading all over a healthy person is not something new. The tears of honourable Matur Maker shed on 2nd November 2011 in the parliament in Juba during the presentation of the report of the auditor general Mr Steven Wondu calls for rescue of South Sudan from the claws of the felons